Got back from visiting you, so far all good news but life is slow.. Started on my book about what it is like when you give your child up for adoption; again as you already know been working on it with my aunt as well. So she can tell a little bit about how it feels to have a close adoption. She said that it is a life full of unanswered questions. That only her birth mother can answer. I now have the benihana picture on my desk next to the picture of Donovan and I on his day of his birth. It's was so great to see how big he is getting. It also helps me keep going on days when I don't really feel like working . Well I got a temp job at REI which is now a start date of May 7th ugh! I have gotten way to many start dates it's crazy. What is really cool and I absolutely love is a got to get a shift on swing yeah I work 3pm to 1130pm yeah it is great because I still get to sleep in. Oh I went to a job fair with my mom just because REI is only a ...